Work created in Adobe Illustrator

Logo Using the Shape Tool
A number designs have been developed through Illustrator using the shape tool. Examples of these designs are presented below.
Scissor Cut Using Shape Tool

The object chosen was scissors. In the final design, the object was cropped so that some of the handles were out of the frame and the tip of the razors. These elements were specifically left out as they did not subtract from the final design. Despite the missing elements, the object is still very recognisable. It also did not affect the individual shapes. Scissors are very simple in terms of shape breakdown so for the final design, the outline of the most important elements such as the two razor shapes, the handles, the handle connector, and the circle in the middle of the razors was chosen as they give enough detail to not subtract from the overall design.
Organic Design Logo

Summer Style Logo Using Shape

Game Design Character and Graphic Building
Below are samples of work made in Illustrator. The purpose of these graphics were for a simple side-scroller game: InflitrateX

Working with Colour Schemes

Complimentary Colour Scheme

Tetradic Colour Scheme
Memphis Retro Poster

Working with Shape and Colour
Working with both colour and shapes to create engaging backgrounds, posters and guides